Thursday, November 02, 2006

Outer Tailrace Walls

Working outwards and downstream in the tailrace, with pumps going to keep it as dry and as visible as possible to dig, we keep the wood crossbeam with slate facing in-tact. Immediately behind that, the river bed of the tailrace changes from wood to mainly large chalk rocks and mud/clay rather than river gravels which we'd predicted, having seen them elsewhere.

The newly revealed containment walls are also set on very large chalk blocks with gaps which allow for spring perculation to come through.

Behind the 'upper' brick wall section, where it's deteriorated or subsided appears to be an older wall of a different kind of brick altogether. Perhaps handmade bricks? We are told that locally in River there used to a place called "Brick Fields" which indeed made bricks. We now need some dates and to see if they correspond.


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