Friday, November 24, 2006

One Possible Site Plan

I'm not suggesting this image is true and accurate, it's intended to look at some theoretical possibilities and to follow some reasoning as to "why":
  • we know from written records (rather than drawings) that, at some point there was a 2-stone Corn Mill at Crabble, along side a 'new' 3-stone Corn Mill and, that the two co-existed for some time;
  • if the old remains spanned across the void (beneath the dam) it is unlikely the building would extend very far into this version of the mill. If it wasn't there, why the void space and why build a dam around an inaccessible area?
  • the 2-stone mill would have needed a grain storage space (other than hoppers/bins within the mill) as well as deliveries and also, probably a stable and coach house. Could it be the yellow and/or blue areas? Perhaps these areas were then subsumbed by the increasing business, incorporated in the expansion of the refit and rebuilding of the new Crabble semi-automatic Corn Mill?
I welcome the opportunity to 'walk-through' and discuss the on-site 'tell-tales' with reasonably informed people.

(I've not included the historic fish hatchery/farm in this post.)


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